SBA's principal consultant, Steve Burrows, will be a key speaker at a forthcoming event organised by BCS ELITE. ELITE is the Chartered Institute for IT's group for Effective Leadership in Information Technology, and claims to be "the UK lead forum for IT Directors and Senior Managers to exchange experiences, views and expectations on how information systems should be managed to achieve business objectives."
At the event on September 22nd in BCS London offices Steve will address the theme "IT's Role in Business Strategy, is IT Strategic?", presenting a business view of IT opposite Dr. Richard Sykes who is a board member of Intellect (the UK IT industry trade association) and past Group Vice President of IT for ICI. Their debate, in front of an audience of senior UK CIOs and IT Directors, will be chaired and moderated by Dr. Ben Booth, Global CIO for Ipsos-Mori.
For more details see the