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Island IT expert leads UK IT

Isle of Man IT expert, Steve Burrows has been appointed as the new chair of a major UK Information Technology body. BCS ELITE (Effective Leadership in IT) is, with c. 3,000 members, the UK’s lead group for IT leaders, Chief Information Officers, Chief Technology Officers, IT Directors and others influential in setting the direction of UK IT. ELITE holds learning and networking events across the UK for its members, and such is its influence that past speakers have included Michael Dell founder of Dell Computers, Bill Gates founder of Microsoft, and many other IT luminaries. ELITE also contributes to several major UK IT conferences and to the research and development of influential IT and data strategy reports which inform and influence IT and data policy across the UK.



Mr. Burrows, who is a regular contributor to the Isle of Man Examiner Business News with his “IT Matters” column and was founder of the Manx ICT Association, has been an elected member of the ELITE executive committee for nearly six years, and Vice Chair for the past three. Commenting on his appointment as Chair he said “It’s an enormous honour to have been asked to lead ELITE. Improving national exploitation of IT is key to economic growth in both the UK and Isle of Man, and the better equipped that IT leaders are to meet that challenge the better the chances of our economies surviving the rapid advances in digital engagement, automation and robotics that are starting to impact all highly-developed nations. Being given the opportunity to lead the premier UK forum for IT leaders and influence UK thinking is a huge privilege, but we also need to look further afield:- much of the legislation around IT and data now comes from the EU so earlier this month I travelled to Berlin to progress discussions for ELITE to become part of the European CIO Association and gain more direct influence in the EU”.


Whilst ELITE is hosted by BCS The Chartered Institute for IT it is open to qualifying BCS members and non-members alike and includes many of the most influential leaders in UK IT across business, government and the UK tech industry.

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