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ELITE appoints SBA Consultant as Vice Chair

Steve Burrows has been elected Vice Chair of the Effective Leadership in IT group (ELITE), which is the primary forum for CIOs and IT Directors in the UK. ELITE, which is the IT leadership group within BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, has over 3,500 members, all of whom are recognised IT leaders. ELITE hosts thought leadership events around the UK both in its own right and as part of major IT industry conferences to help its members maximise the benefits that organisations obtain through their use of IT.

Immediately following the ELITE AGM at which Mr. Burrows was elected he chaired an ELITE event in London for a packed audience exploring the behaviours, skills and competencies necessary to make a truly complete Chief Information Officer capable of enabling and leading an organisation at a strategic level. Steve is also Vice Chair of Membership Board for BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, a director of the Isle of Man section of the Institute, and both a Chartered Director and a Chartered IT Professional.


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